Free BCA BBA BE BCom MBA MCA Fresher resumes in MS Word Format - No watermarks
Hobbies, skills and projects included - All job types - Free Download
A professional and simple one page resume for marketing executive jobs with appropriate career objective statement.
This is a very simple resume and elegant template for fresh BCom graduates with an internship and / or college projects to showcase. This is an easy to edit template. If you are not a BCom graduate, you can still make use of the template as the design is generic and we have only shown projects and skills relevant to a BCom graduate.

This is a very simple and effective resume template aimed at securing any job. Use this simple template when you are not sure what kind of a job you want and when you want to generally share your resume within your network for referrals. We skip the career objective statement and instead focus on skills and your final year project instead.

This is a simple resume template for fresh graduates with an internship and / or college projects to showcase. This template is very easy to edit as all you need to do is delete or copy-paste additional sections that are already on the template that you download.
You should always make sure to highlight whatever skills you may have. It could be just knowing how to run simple calculations in Excel or even just making some changes to the data and saving it as a new file. This is a great template to also highlight whatever small amount of work experience you may have. Worked for your uncle? No problem. Call that internship under work experience.
This is a simple resume template made with text boxes for those that want total flexibility on how they want to edit their resumes and for those who do not like to use tables.

Use this template if you have a BCA, BCom or a BBA degree and if you are applying to any job in the tech industry; this format works well as long as you have some projects to showcase - preferably a website project. Delete the linkedin and github logos if you dont have a decent profile on them.

Don't worry if you dont have a great github or a linkedin profile. They are nice to have but not mandatory, so delete those two icons on this template and use. If you do have a decent github portfolio and an updated linkedin page, embed the link. If you don't know how to embed the link, contact us via the contact us page. This template is fantastic for entry level positions in the web development area. Show that you have an eye for design using this template.
Not all resumes need to have a career statement. This simple template handcrafted for freshers is one good example. This resume format shows how to highlight skills rather than % marks scored if they are not great. By showing relevant coursework, you are easily able to demonstrate to the employer you have the knowledge relevant to the job you are applying.

Use this template if you don't have internship experience. Show your student project in a nice way that it demonstrates your technical and soft skills. Use the same template and list under 2 or 3 bullet points how you approached your project and what results you got. This template works very well no matter what student project you have got.

How do you say you are open to freelancing or part time jobs without appearing you will take anything for a job? Well, use this template. Simple and sophisticated for all fresh degree holders, Make sure to include some project - be it something you did for your friend's dad over the weekend or on one of the freelance websites.

This is a very modern and an impressive resume template for freshers. We have created this for BCom freshers who may not have had internship opportunities so you would see 3 simple student projects mentioned along with important soft and technical skills all BCom students possess in general. If you are BCom student, you should definitely give this template a try. Just change name and contact info., and the college name, you are all set.

This is one of our favorite resumes for BCom fresh graduates. This has a career objective statement handmade for BCom freshers and the resume template has two great projects you can talk about in your interviews. Change the project and other details as required. You cannot go wrong with this template if you are a BCom fresh graduate.

A great fresher resume template for most undergraduate degree holders, looking for customer service agent jobs.