Free BCA BBA BE BCom MBA MCA Fresher resumes in MS Word Format - No watermarks
Hobbies, skills and projects included - All job types - Free Download

This is one of our favorite resumes for BCom fresh graduates. This has a career objective statement handmade for BCom freshers and the resume template has two great projects you can talk about in your interviews. Change the project and other details as required. You cannot go wrong with this template if you are a BCom fresh graduate.
Eleg is a simple, conventional one-page resume that neatly highlights your core competencies - both soft and technical, with ample room to list two work experiences. Limit your work experience related achievements to two bullets and you can easily contain your resume to one page. You can also make this work for freshers - you just need to change the work experiences into projects you would have done in college.
A clean two-page resume template for those who like a lot more space in their resumes becaue either they have a lot of work experience or have several accomplishments to show, for which a single page can be too constraining.

A very simple and elegant resume template in DOC format for Civil Engineers - both experienced and freshers. This template you see here is made for an experienced candidate, but if you are a fresher, just replace the work experience with your college project or internships. Even if you are not a civil engineer, you can still use the template if you like the structure; just make sure to edit the appropriate sections. Good luck!

An elegant template in PowerPoint format. Make sure to convert the file to pdf before you email.

A simple and elegant theme in green for Software Engineering jobs. Add link to your github profile if you have been active on github.
This is actually a very popular template during the Y2K times. Simple and neat - does the job well.
This is a popular format these days among recruiters, similar to the Compsci format. Ideal to showcase your technical skills.

This is one of our favorite resumes - a real candidate's but with a different name. Works really well for all operations jobs across industries and degree types.

Creative and elegant design for graphic and web designer candidates. Works well for a variety of degrees applying to designer roles.

Business Analyst resume created for BCA graduates, but will also work for MCA if appropriate sections are added.

A very professional resume with correct objective statement written for BCA degree, but you can easily revise appropriate sections and make it work for any degree.

A simple and elegant one page resume for jobs in the financial services industry for slightly experienced MBA Candidates.

A great fresher resume template for most undergraduate degree holders, looking for customer service agent jobs.

BBA Finance and BBA IT fresher resume template is ideal for those looking for marketing executive jobs.

MBA Finance resume template is ideal for those holding MBA degrees. If you specialize in non finance areas, just edit the appropriate sections.

This resume based on a simple layout will very likely catch the attention of the recruiters who are busy screening several resumes every day. The specialty of this template is that it helps a fresh graduate highlight their relevant skills very easily. The sections are appropriately titled so all you have to do is to replace the content along the lines of how we have demonstrated what can be filled.