India resume considerations for fresh graduates


14 February 2023

India resume considerations for fresh graduates illustration

Are India resumes different?

This article is an advice from a group of professionals with over 200 years of professional experience among them - Although a resume is needed around the world for applying to jobs, every country, region and the industry have their own unofficial standards in what they expect to see in the resumes as part of the job applications. Since these are usually unstated in the commonly available online resources, it is important that as a job applicant you put in the best effort possible to identify and use the best resume formats for the degree you hold, the job title you are applying to and the industry your target job lies in. That is why we have assembled a set of industry specialists who helped us draft the resume templates and tailed career objective statements that you see on our website. Make the most use of them.

India resumes are different. What do we mean by India resume? We refer to India resume those resumes that fresh graduates and experienced professionals would use when they apply to jobs in India. With the changing demographics, resumes have become very fashionable these days; however, care should be taken in crafting an India resume that will assure you success.

Idea in Brief

It does not matter whether you have a BCA, BBA, MCA or BE or BTech when it comes to securing the interview and the job offer after the interview. The most important thing that matters on your resume is demonstrating you have gone beyond what is “normal” for your degree type and that you have put in the effort needed to get ready to the job you are applying to. Hiring managers and recruiters are smart – they will know in an instant if you are not authentic. So, remember that form follows function; put in the hard work today and reap the benefits tomorrow.

Indian job industry is changing

The Indian job industry for fresh graduates is going through a significant transformation. Over the last decade, there has been a shift in the skills required by employers and an increased focus on technology and digital skills. It does not matter whether you are a BCA, BBA, BCom or a BE/BTech graduate who has your interests in the non-technical side of things in an employment. Honestly, these days there isn’t a job function that is not touched by technology and digitalization. How many visitor booths in whatever office complex that you visited in the last 3 years have only a note book to record the visitor names? Even the most pen and paper, traditional functions like security, housekeeping and office pantry have become digitalized; so even if you want to be a cook in a restaurant, some kind of technical skills will definitely give you an edge over those that don’t. Show them you have those technical skills in your resume. Remember, technical skills do not always mean programming or coding. Technical skills just means the technical aspects of performing a job very well

It is needless to suggest then that you include in your resume, which we call India resume, whatever technical and digital skills you may possess, both directly and indirectly relevant ones.

The emergence of startups and the growth of the gig economy have also changed the job landscape. Startups offer a dynamic and fast-paced work environment that can be exciting for young professionals. However, they often require employees to be flexible and take on multiple roles, which can be challenging for new graduates. So if you have any start up experience, make sure to mention the experience in your resume. Your start up does not have to be one that made the headlines or have been acquired for millions of dollars. It could even be an idea that you explored with a bunch of your friends at college or it could be something that you contributed to building, designing or even surveying potential customers for one of your friends – do mention it in your resume.

Changes in the India job landscape

One of the biggest changes in the job industry for fresh graduates is the rise of online education and training. Online platforms offer affordable and accessible training programs in various fields, allowing graduates to upskill and acquire new knowledge. This is particularly important in the technology sector, where new developments and innovations are continuously emerging.

Given the prominence of online learning platforms, your potential employer might want to see in your resume the personal efforts you have put in to upskill yourself both while in college and after you graduated. So, do mention in your resume the curses you took. They do not need to be only the paid ones – even the free ones on the online training platforms can be mentioned in your resume.

Just make sure that the certifications you mention on your resume are close to the job type you are sending the resume for and that you do have some knowledge and skills that you can point to on your resume that sync up with the certifications you are referring to.

Show those skills in the resume

Another significant development in the job industry is the adoption of remote work. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards remote work, and many companies are now open to hiring employees who work remotely. This has opened up job opportunities for fresh graduates, regardless of their location, and reduced the need for relocation to big cities.

However, despite these changes, the job market for fresh graduates remains competitive. The pandemic has also resulted in a slowdown in job creation, making it more challenging for graduates to secure employment.

Companies are now looking for candidates who possess a combination of technical and soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability. Again, remember that the job market is very competitive but by being diligent about adding some technical and soft skills, and by demonstrating them on the resume and during the interview, you are sure to secure that job.

Change means playing field is leveled

In conclusion, the Indian job industry for fresh graduates is experiencing significant changes, driven by technology, online education, and remote work. While these changes offer new opportunities, the job market remains competitive, and candidates need to have a combination of technical and soft skills to stand out. To summarise, ask yourself what skills does the job you crave need and what skills you are yet to add to your resume (not just merely adding, but learning first and then adding); then go about learning them – remember youtube has a ton of free learning content; if you don’t like one video, look for another one that resonates with you. Then, finally add those skillsets to your resume. Keep practicing while you wait for that interview call and prepare well ahead of the interview.

India resume considerations for fresh graduates illustration